Harmonix y Fender firman un acuerdo

En palabras del presidente y cofundador de Harmonix, Alex Rigopulos, a GameSpot:

Our approach to the design of the Rock Band peripherals has been driven by a desire to give players as authentic a musical experience as possible. The Stratocaster is arguably the most recognizable and iconic model of guitar in all of rock and roll, so it seemed like the natural choice. It's also just a gorgeous instrument. Additionally, the folks at Fender immediately understood what we're trying to accomplish with this game and were enthusiastic about partnering with us in the service of that vision.

Que viene a decir que Rock Band será un placer orgiástico para todos aquellos que no sabemos ni nunca sabremos tocar la guitarra (los que ya saben este tipo de juegos les suenan ridículos): la mítica Stratocaster (strato para los amigos) será utilizada como modelo para el juego.

Sólo hay algo mejor que emular a los AC/DC con una strato de pega, ¡ser los AC/DC!

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